Child Safeguarding Training

It is important to equip all our officials, administrators and volunteers with the knowledge and skills to keep children safe and provide ongoing education and training.

When our netball community is properly informed, trained and supported, they are more likely to uphold the organisations child safe values.

Training Resources

  • VicSport 
    - VicSport Child Safe Online Education Program - A free and interactive way to understand and comply with the 11 Victorian Child Safe Standards.
  • Commission for Children & Young People (CCYP)  
    - CCYP Overview of the 11 Child Safe Standards - A brief overview of each Child Safe Standard, and the minimum compliance points for each standard that an organisation should strive to meet.
  • Sport Integrity Australia (SIA)
    - SIA e-Learning Hub - Sport Integrity Australia and Play by the Rules courses now in one place.
  • Youth Advisory Committees 
    - Leisure Network Youth Engagement Webinar, Netball Victoria
    - Leisure Network Youth Engagement Series Podcast, Netball Victoria