Netball Victoria Elevate Program


The Elevate Program will provide emerging talented athletes aged 15-18 years with the delivery of holistic skill development, strength and conditioning and court work sessions within a controlled daily training environment, operated at the State Netball Centre in Parkville.

Exposure to this daily training environment will support improved physical preparation in the leadup to State Team and Victorian Netball League (VNL) trials for 2025. The program has been developed to support long-term success for Victorian teams at the National Netball Championships, and to align with the restructured VNL competition from 2024.

The program will be delivered in the second half of 2024, in alignment with the State Team program and restructured VNL competition, and may expand in future to include competition experiences.

Please click the link below for further details.

The Elevate program will consist of the athletes who have been successful in making the Squad Phase (Top 25) for 2025 State Selection. The Top 25 will be selected by the State Selection Panel consisting of the 2025 Head Coach and 2 Independent Selectors for each respective age group.

Two squads of up to 25 athletes will be selected across 17/Under and 19/Under eligibility. Additional athletes may be invited to join the program after commencement at the discretion of the selection panel.

Automatic Invitation:
•	2024 State Team (top 12) athletes who are age eligible for the same age group in the State Team program in 2025

•	Current (2024) VIS scholarship holders

The program will be delivered across the second half of 2024 following the conclusion of State Screening Day and Squad Selection trials. Sessions will run across a 4-month training phase between August and November.

The program will include 4 sessions across 3 days per week including court work, gym and recovery.

Please click the link below for the 2024 Monthly Training Calendar.

The program will be managed and directed by a Head Coach and will involve specialist coaches, a dedicated strength and conditioning coach and other contracted staff where required.

Netball Victoria is currently working through the recruitment process for relevant program staffing positions.

For more information about the program, please contact Netball Victoria's Pathways team.