Netball Assist - Specialty

A Netball Victoria administrator trained in Child Safety can provide Child Safety reviews and prepare Child Safety Action plans for your Association or Club. Netball Victoria can also assist with policy reviews upon request.

Examples of Specialty support include:

- Child safety overview
- Child safety action plan & review
- Policy guideline & review

Child Safety Action Review & Action Plan Fee - $550.00 plus GST

To utilise the Netball Assist Specialty services, please follow the steps below. 

For further information on Netball Assist, please contact the Shared Services Workforce Training Team via or phone 03 9321 2288.

Registration Forms

The following is included in the review: 
- A two-hour meeting with a trained Netball Victoria representative who specialises in conducting comprehensive Child Safety Reviews. 
- An action plan report outlining the opportunities identified in the review that will assist your committee to work towards creating a child safe culture. 
- A suite of resources to assist your committee to work through the opportunities identified in the review. 
- A one-hour meeting with your committee to discuss the results of the action plan report and advise on how to successfully achieve implementing those opportunities. 
- Dedicated phone support from Netball Victoria’s Compliance & Integrity team to support your committee while you work through your action plan. 

Netball Victoria administrators can assist with updating a range of policies and guidelines to ensure your association, league, or club maintains the accepted standards within your organisation.

Examples of Policies and Guidelines:

- By-laws
- Competition regulations
- Grading Policy
- Selection Policy
- Code of Conduct
- Inclusion Policy