Pride in Sport Index

The Pride in Sport Index is an independently administered national benchmarking system used to assess LGBTQ+ inclusion within Australian sport. An initiative of the Australian Human Rights Commission and the Australian Sports Commission, the index provides the opportunity for all national and state sporting organisations to have their LGBTQ+ related initiatives, programs and policies reviewed, measured, and monitored. 

The PSI is produced by Pride in Sport, a national not-for-profit sporting inclusion program spearheaded by Australia’s largest LGBTQ+ health organisation, ACON.
As part of the Pride in Sport Index we also participate in the PSI National Survey. This survey allows us to assess and benchmark our progress in the area of inclusion of people with diverse sexualities and genders, in sport across Australia.

Participation in the PSI Survey allows us to track our progress, benchmark ourselves against other sporting organisations, and provide a means by which you can have your say.

2023 Pride in Sport Index

Netball Victoria was recognised in the 2023 Pride in Sport Index (PSI) as a Gold Sporting Organisation. 2023 marks the first time Netball Victoria has achieved a gold ranking on the PSI. The organisation has steadily improved its score since its initial involvement with the index, receiving a participating ranking in 2021, silver in 2022, and now gold.

Netball Victoria was one of five organisations nationally to receive a gold ranking in 2023 alongside Hockey ACT, Macquarie University Sport, Tennis Australia, and Touch Football Australia. 

In addition, Netball Victoria’s Community & Junior Development Manager Tanya Gamble, was one of four finalists for the LGBTQ+ Executive Leader Award at the 2023 Pride in Sport Awards. 

2024 Pride in Sport Index

Netball Victoria was again recognised in the 2024 Pride in Sport Index (PSI) as a Gold Sporting Organisation.

We were beyond excited to be able to again be receive this award and believe that everyone should have an opportunity to belong and be involved in a sport that they choose to be part of but also to feel safe and security doing that.

In addition, Netball Victoria along with Champion Q League Netball, Queer Sporting Alliance was one of the four finalists for the LGBTQ Inclusive Initiative Award 2024 Pride in Sport Awards.